Hello! I will be updating this page chronologically to include more Frankenfilms.Frankenfilm: A film containing, as a main plot point, biological animation/reanimation, as expressed by a "monster"-equivalent character and a "scientist"-equivalent character.This page last updated on the 22nd of January, 2025.
DIRECTED BY J. Searle Dawley in 1910
ARCHIVIST'S NOTES:I love this short film!! Suuuuper low-quality, but insane that it came out less than a century after Frankenstein was published. Charles Ogle you will always be famous to me. And, props to Edison Studios for including my fave, Clerval. Even though he wasn't named, I can sense him in spirit. Anyway, Enjoy the first-ever Frankenfilm made, courtesy of the same man who invented the phonograph, lightbulb, and carbon microphone!!Spirits and Spectres,
The Archivist
ARCHIVIST'S NOTES:As a long-time disciple of Mary Shelley's novel, I can confirm this movie is not book-accurate. But I choose not to give a shit, and to have fun actually!! I love Karloff's performance as the Creature, and Colin Clive as Frankenstein was soooooo hot. I love mad scientists!!! I only wish Whale foresaw the success of his film, so he could've made an ending that didn't kill the Creature off. I do appreciate the nod to the Creature's death in Shelley's novel, in which he commits suicide by flame in the Arctic. Sadly, my Arctic king Robert Walton was not in this film. But we had a Henry Clerval-equivalent named Victor, strangely. Also, Victor Frankenstein's name was changed to Henry in this film to "accomodate Western viewers". They could've picked any name, but they chose to have a character named Henry Frankenstein, an amalgamation of the names of Frankenstein and his lover best friend from the novel. I would say they meant it in a no homo sense, but the director of this film was openly gay, so I guess anything's possible between those two. Anyway, whether this is your first time viewing this Universal masterpiece, or you're a seasoned Karloffian, I wish you a pleasant viewing!!Guts and Gore,
The Archivist
ARCHIVIST'S NOTES:Ohhhh boy. I cannot EXPRESS my love for this film. This movie, better by far than its predecessor, has everything. Sexy scientist, even sexier laboratory, Dr. Pretorius (For novel fans, he's like M. Waldman but gayer), monster heartbreak, and the bride herself. Elsa Lanchester heard "strange and off-putting creature-girl" and ran with it, and by God do I love her for it. Lanchester's iconic hair was actually red behind the scenes! The subtext between Frankenstein and Pretorius is so palpable that multiple research papers have been written about it (Read Gary Morris' outstanding article here!) The duo, to me, are what Drs. West and Cain from Re-Animator could've been if they were both on psychiatric medication. Overall, Bride is a hilariously camp film with nods to Shelley's novel (Cabin scene with the Creature), and one of my favorite Frankenfilms produced.Screams and Shrieks,
The Archivist
Hello! So far, I have only uploaded the main three Frankenstein editions to this page. 2 are in PDF form, but unfortunately pop out to a seperate tab since I was unsuccessful in embedding the PDFs straight into the page, like I did with the movies. The 1823 annotated edition of Frankenstein is interesting in the fact that, to my knowledge, no PDF of it exists; Therefore I have linked the thumbnail to a scholarly site that has this edition gorgeously organized and transcribed.In the future I plan to add all sorts of essays, analytical texts, spin-offs, and long-form fan fiction to this library. Feel free to email me if you have any Frankenstein-related aforementioned texts in PDF form that you'd like me to add to the library!
Lungs and Livers,
The Archivist
About The
Hello! Obviously this little page will not give away too much about me, since this site hosts copyrighted material, internet safety, bleh bleh bleh. I started work on this archive out of my love for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in the early hours of 2025. I have been helped along the way by my fellow frankenfreaks.

This site is an ode to the unrestricted distribution of media that I find increasingly important, especially as my home country grows more fascist every day. I believe mega-corporations such as YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix should not be profiting off decades-old movies where the actors/crew are no longer making money. I believe artists should be supported directly whenever possible. Please consider financially supporting any (still alive) creatives who made the movies and texts available on this website. Fuck Bezos, Musk, and all the other billionaire scum who profit off the blood of the exploited to sell funny movies.

This site is relatively cheap to run, so I will not ask for donations. If you like what I do, please consider donating on my behalf to the victims of genocide in Palestine and Sudan.